
davedudedeado's Medals


Total Medals Earned: 1,620 (From 269 different games.)
Total Medal Score: 22,745 Points

Vuvu Hero

Medals Earned: 4/8 (50/350 points)

Here Comes the Bear 5 Points

Hit 20 notes in a row

Bum Trumpet 10 Points

Hit 40 notes in a row

No, Fido! 10 Points

Hit 30 notes in a row

Vuvu Zilla 25 Points

Hit 50 notes in a row

100 Note Streak 50 Points

Hit 100 notes in a row

Vuvu Hero 50 Points

Get 98% or better on a Vuvu Hero song

200 Note Streak 100 Points

Hit 200 notes in a row

300 Note Streak 100 Points

Hit 300 notes in a row

Where's Derpy?

Medals Earned: 5/6 (35/60 points)

Nom 5 Points

Find 16 muffins!

NomNom 5 Points

Find 32 muffins!

Oops, my bad! 5 Points

Destroy the town hall in the final level.

Attention Horse 10 Points

Find Lyra (or her sister) in 10 of the levels!

Golden Derp 10 Points

Complete the game!

Muuuffiiiins! 25 Points

Find 48 muffins!

Why Am I Dead

Medals Earned: 2/9 (10/280 points)

Baby Steps, Young Cricket 5 Points

Dying can be a very disorienting experience. Good thing there's a tutorial conversation!

This Body Will Do For Now 5 Points

Find your first host and possess it.

I'm Surrounded By Idiots 10 Points

Talk to every person in the hotel at least once, as anyone.

Identity Crisis 10 Points

Possess everyone in the hotel at least once. Except for the guy on the toilet, he doesn't count.

Means and Motive 25 Points

Narrow the list of suspects down to one. The end is near!

Well, That Went Nowhere 25 Points

Talk to everyone in the hotel as Orvall.

The End 50 Points

Sarah was right

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Windows 8: The Spoof

Medals Earned: 3/3 (120/120 points)

Genius on the Topic! 10 Points

Make a quiz in the XNA Game-maker

YOU BIG FAT 10 Points

Squeal to the United States Government about the pirated files!

The Secret App 100 Points

Find the secret app. It's right in front of you..

Words are Weapons

Medals Earned: 5/6 (90/140 points)

Drunk Father 5 Points

Defeat the Drunk Father

Neighborhood Owner 10 Points

Defeat the Neighborhood Owner

Take a Rest 25 Points

Find the place to take a rest

The Best Fighter 25 Points

Defeat the Best Fighter

Trashcan Lover 25 Points

Defeat the Trashcan Lover

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Yeah Jam Fury

Medals Earned: 2/32 (15/500 points)

Why Couldn't I Transform? 5 Points

Beat all four tutorial stages

"Rock a Doodle!" 10 Points

Get Yeah to say "Rock a Doodle" with VFX at max

Breakthrough! 5 Points

Beat "Wall of Face" in 10 seconds or less

Footing FOUND 5 Points

Beat "Find Your Footing" firing only one block

Ground Floor 5 Points

Beat "Elevator Shaft" without respawning once

Oops 5 Points

Restart "Mind the Gap"

You Son of a Gun... 5 Points

Beat "Just Grab It"

"Jawsome!" 10 Points

Get Fury to say "Jawsome" with VFX at max

"Swag." 10 Points

Get Jam to say "Swag" with VFX at max

Did the Easy Stuff! 10 Points

Beat all stages on page one

Found the Lightswitch 10 Points

Beat "Lights Out"

Jammed Window 10 Points

Beat "Windowsill" without firing a block

Loose Noose 10 Points

Beat "Weak Rope" without destroying a single block

Master Fetcher 10 Points

Beat "Fetch Quest 2" without respawning once

Ninja Nonsense 10 Points

Beat "Shenanigans" without respawning once or firing a block

Playin' it Safe 10 Points

Fire 25 blocks in a stage

Playin' it the Right Way 10 Points

Destroy 175 blocks in a stage

Playin' it Wild 10 Points

Boost 50 times in a stage

Spring and a Storm 10 Points

Destroy Mr. Moon in "Space Jam"

Unlocked Cool Clothes! 10 Points

Unlock alternate YJF threads

Worldly Treasures 10 Points

Beat "Willyworld" with 11 blocks in your quota total

You Totally Cheated 10 Points

Beat "Dastardly" without respawning once

Collect Your Feels 25 Points

Have 6 blocks in your quota total on "Steel Feels"

Gettin' Better at This! 25 Points

Beat the record on a stage three times

Jordan Be Proud 25 Points

Beat "Space Jam"

Movin' Right Along 25 Points

Beat all stages on page two

Rainbow Runner 25 Points

Beat "Oh Love"

Oh, It's Just a Flash Game? 50 Points

Beat all stages

Master of the Universe 100 Points

Beat "Oh Love" in 30 seconds or less

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Zombie Babe Pool

Medals Earned: 1/8 (5/300 points)

first win 5 Points

win first level

easy challenge complete 5 Points

win first 6 level

my site 5 Points

visit developer website

medium level complete 10 Points

win 12 level

hard level complete 25 Points

win 18 level

all level complete 50 Points

all level complete

excellent score 100 Points

get 3000 or more point on a level

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!


Medals Earned: 1/7 (5/330 points)

First Flight 5 Points

Beat Room 5

Dead End 25 Points

Get the bad ending

Expertly Done 1 25 Points

Complete Expert Room 1

Expertly Done 2 25 Points

Complete Expert Room 2

Living End 50 Points

Get the good ending

Time Trophy 100 Points

Beat Time Trial Run in under 4 minutes

Wit of Citrus 100 Points

Obtain all 19 grapefruits

~Strange Thoughts~

Medals Earned: 1/3 (5/40 points)

Rick James 5 Points

Don't call me a b****

Meaning 10 Points

Discover the meaning of life

Score 25 Points

Get a certain number of points